Therapist Brussels – Chantal Feuerlein

About me – Coach  coach brussels, coaching brussels

With an Indian-British and German heritage, I grew up in a multicultural environment in Brussels, living amongst people from different backgrounds and cultures since an early age.

A life full of travellings and encounters led me to develop a passion for human beings, the way cope with difficulties, the survival mechanisms they develop and their drive for personal fulfilment.

Our education, our beliefs and ideals help us understand life but do not always provide the neces-sary tools we need to move on. Just as we experience moments of happiness, we sometimes have to deal with obstacles, trials, losses…

At some period of our life, we’ve all felt like running around in circles, misunderstood, faced prob-lems which seem impossible to resolve. It is sometimes difficult to make the right decisions. These situations can occur at any time in life and are a source of anxiety, loss of confidence and self-esteem.

I’m here to help you face these challenges and give you new tools and techniques that will allow you to adapt accordingly. By getting to know yourself, being aware of your strengths and weak-nesses, discovering your real aspirations, you will be able to make the most of your potential and achieve your goals. Helping you discover your inner treasure and strengths is the objective of my personal development program.


  •  Certified personal coach in development CFD Brussels
  •  PNL , Transactional Analysis
  •  Nonviolent Communication NVC Brussels

Coaching personal development will allow you to work on these different points:

  •  Parent / child communication
  •  Get to know yourself better
  • Strengthen your self-esteem
  •  Clarify your objectives
  •  Use your potential
  •  Learn to manage your anxiety, stress, emotions
  •  Find your place and make sense of your life
  •  non-violent communication
  •  Discover your limits
  •  Manage a toxic relationship
  •  Getting out of a negative pattern
  •  Academic orientation
  •  Improving communication within a family
  •  Reconstructing yourself after a loss or a separation

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psychologist brussels

At what point does someone need a therapist?

There is never a good or a bad time. Whatever your problem, your worry or simply your desire to speak or to be listened to, you can call a therapist whenever you feel the need. It is your desire and your need which are at the heart of this process. Here are some examples of specific problems which could lead to a patient consulting a therapist:
You feel an uneasiness at work, […]

The result

The results vary from one person to another. Therapy allows you to put into words things which will let you draw a line under these problems, or find the causes and explanations which will make you stronger and more able to manage your emotions towards these problems.

Symptoms of worry, stress

Human beings are by nature frequently subjected to fear: a threatening situation, moments in life categorised by uncertainty, and apprehension – there are so many moments which generate a feeling of fear or danger.

Get in touch !

Do you have other questions or concerns (for example how a coach can help you with your problem)? Just call our secretariat to make an appointment or send an email to the secretariat of coaches and therapists brussels.


Phonenumber : +32(0)2 669 04 99